Source code for acutils.file

# Functions prefixed with "tmnt" are treatments and must have those parameters:
#  - src: absolute path to the file that will be processed (str)
#  - dstdir: absolute path to the directory that should contain new files (str)
# Also, nothing should be returned.

import json
import os
import re
import shutil

[docs] def copyfile(src, dst): ''' Copy a file from src to dst without checking anything. PARAMETERS ---------- (str) src: absolute path to the file that will be copied. (str) dst: absolute path to the future copied file. RETURNS ------- None ''' shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
[docs] def copyfile_with_safety(src, dst): ''' Copy a file from src to dst and check if src file and dst directory are existing. PARAMETERS ---------- (str) src: absolute path to the file that will be copied. (str) dst: absolute path to the future copied file. RETURNS ------- None ''' if os.path.isfile(src): if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dst)): copyfile(src, dst) else: print(f"|WRN| dir not found {os.path.dirname(dst)}") else: print(f"|WRN| file not found {src}")
[docs] def tmnt_copyfile_to_dir(src, dstdir, newfilename=None, safecopy=True): ''' Copy a file from src to a dst directory. PARAMETERS ---------- (str) src: absolute path to the file that will be copied. (str) dstdir: absolute path to the directory that should contain the copy. (str) newfilename=None: filename expected, if None src filename is used. (bool) safecopy=True: if True copyfile_with_safety is called, else copyfile is called. RETURNS ------- None ''' if newfilename is str: dst = os.path.join(dstdir, newfilename) else: dst = os.path.join(dstdir, os.path.basename(src)) if newfilename is not None: print(f"|WRN| newfilename should be str, not {type(newfilename)}, src filename used") if safecopy: copyfile_with_safety(src, dst) else: copyfile(src, dst)
[docs] def copyfiles_to_dir(srcs, dstdir, newfilename=None, safecopy=True): ''' Copy multiple files from srcs to a dst directory using "copyfile_to_dir" function. PARAMETERS ---------- (iterable of str) srcs: absolute paths to the files that will be copied. (str) dstdir: absolute path to the directory that should contain the copy. (str) newfilename=None: filename expected, if None src filename is used. (bool) safecopy=True: if True copyfile_with_safety is called, else copyfile is called. RETURNS ------- None ''' for src in srcs: tmnt_copyfile_to_dir(src, dstdir, newfilename, safecopy)
[docs] def reset_directory(dirpath, subs=[]): ''' Delete directory if it exists, then create it again and fill it with empty subdirecories named from subs argument. PARAMETERS ---------- (str) dirpath: absolute path to the directory to reset. (list<str>) subs: name of the subdirectories that should be in dirpath. RETURNS ------- None ''' if os.path.isdir(dirpath): shutil.rmtree(dirpath) # remove existing files os.mkdir(dirpath) # create the new empty directory for subdir in subs: # fill it with new empty subdirectories os.mkdir(os.path.join(dirpath, subdir))
[docs] def tmnt_generate_documentation(src, dstdir): ''' Extract documentation inside python file and fill it into markdown file. PARAMETERS ---------- (str) src: absolute path to the python file. (str) dstdir: absolute path to the new markdown file. RETURNS ------- None ''' # Read the source file into a string with open(src, 'r') as f: source = # Extract the documentation for each function in the source file lines = source.split('\n') functions = [] docstrings = [] in_function = False docstring = '' in_doc = False for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith('def'): if len(functions) > 0: docstrings.append(docstring) in_function = True in_doc = False match = re.match(r'def (\w+)\(', line.strip()) if match is not None: function_name = functions.append(function_name) docstring = '' elif (in_function or in_doc) and line.strip().startswith("'''"): in_function = False if in_doc: in_doc = False else: in_doc = True elif in_doc: docstring += '\n' + line.strip() docstrings.append(docstring) # Write the documentation to the target file target_file = os.path.join(dstdir, f"{os.path.basename(src)[:-2]}md") with open(target_file, 'w') as f: f.write(f'# {os.path.basename(target_file)[:-3]}\n\n') for function, docstring in zip(functions, docstrings): f.write(f'# {function}\n\n\n') f.write(docstring.strip()) f.write('\n\n\n')
[docs] def save_dict_as_json(dst, data): ''' Save a dictionary as a json file. PARAMETERS ---------- (str) dst: absolute path to the new json file. (dict<str;str>) data: data dictionary to save. RETURNS ------- None ''' with open(dst, "w") as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file)
[docs] def load_dict_from_json(src): ''' Load a dictionary from a json file. PARAMETERS ---------- (str) src: absolute path to the json file. RETURNS ------- (dict<str;str>) data: loaded data dictionary. ''' with open(src, "r") as json_file: return json.load(json_file)