Source code for acutils.gpu

import os

[docs] def cupy_to_numpy(arr): ''' Return a numpy.array from a cupy.array or a numpy.array. PARAMETERS ---------- (numpy.array or cupy.array) arr: array to convert as numpy one (if not already). RETURNS ------- (numpy.array) convarr: converted array. ''' try: return arr.get() # if using GPU (cupy) except AttributeError: return arr
[docs] def set_gpu_computation(activate=True): ''' Enable or disable GPU computation. To enable it, cupy and cucim modules are needed, it changes import as auski and aunp. PARAMETERS ---------- (bool) activate=False: activate or not GPU computation. RETURNS ------- None ''' global auski, aunp # strange names to avoid conflicts if activate == True: try: cuda_visible_devices = os.environ.get("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", "") if not cuda_visible_devices: raise LookupError("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is not set." "Valid example: export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,3,0") visible_devices_list = cuda_visible_devices.split(',') if (len(visible_devices_list) <= 0): raise LookupError("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES value is not valid. " "Valid example: export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,3,0") import cucim.skimage as auski import cupy as aunp aunp.cuda.Device(visible_devices_list[0]).use() print(f"Device '{visible_devices_list[0]}' selected for " "GPU computation.") except Exception as err: print(err) print("|WRN| Using CPU, cucim or cupy not available.") import skimage as auski import numpy as aunp else: import skimage as auski import numpy as aunp
[docs] def select_device(device): ''' Select device used for some GPU computations of the current process. PARAMETERS ---------- (int or None) device: selected GPU (if None, does nothing). RETURNS ------- None ''' if device is not None: try: aunp.cuda.Device(device).use() except AttributeError: print(f"|WRN| Using CPU, can not select the device '{device}'")